
Place all queries in your domain in Queries namespace and always use Query suffix.

  • 🛠 Wrapping your eloquent/database queries in class allows full easy re-usability and testability.
  • ✓ Test your queries using feature test that will use database connection (ensure it works).
  • ☠️ Don't make the query universal, focus on the "business" use case that the query should do.
  • ⮑ Always implement execute method and setup exact object that will be returned.
  • 🙌 Do not provide to many "arguments". Limit it to max 3. If you need more flexibility, make more queries with "scopes".
  • 🚀 Extend AbstractEloquentQuery that contains basic methods for find / get / etc.
  • 🛠 Use construct for dependency injections.

Chunked queries (select)

By default, chunks are ordered by key. This can be changed by $orderBy parameter.

  • Name your query GetChunked{XX}Query.

Create a query that with execute method, call chunk method that will return ChunkedModelQueryResult

In some rare cases you need to change the order. You can pass $orderBy parameter with OrderScope scopes.



namespace App\ObjectType\Queries;

use App\Object\Models\Scopes\WithObjectScope;
use App\ObjectProvider\Model\Scopes\WhereProviderIds;
use LaraStrict\Database\Queries\ChunkedModelQueryResult;

class GetChunkedProviderObjectTypesQuery extends AbstractObjectTypeQuery
     * @return ChunkedModelQueryResult<ObjectType>
    public function execute(int $providerId): ChunkedModelQueryResult
        return $this->chunk([
            new WithObjectScope(
                relationScopes: [
                    new WhereProviderIds([$providerId]),
                useHas: true

This query loads a chunk of object types of given provider (connected via object relation).

Then you can start looping chunks or entries.

Get collection of models for each chunk

This is same as calling Laravel chunk method.

First argument is a Closure that will receive the Collection. Second parameter is a chunk size (default 100).

class SomeAction
    public function __construct(
        private readonly GetChunkedProviderObjectTypesQuery $chunkedProviderObjectTypesQuery
    ) {

    public function execute(int $providerId): void
            ->onChunk(function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection $collection)  {

Get model for each chunk

⮑ First argument is a Closure that will receive the Model. Second parameter is a chunk size (default 100).

⮐ Returns number of items processed.

class SomeAction
    public function __construct(
        private readonly GetChunkedProviderObjectTypesQuery $chunkedProviderObjectTypesQuery
    ) {

    public function execute(int $providerId): void
        $found = $this->chunkedProviderObjectTypesQuery->execute($providerId)
            ->onEntry(function (\App\Models\ObjectType $objectType)  {
        if (0 === $found) {
            // Nothing found

Auto-converting Model to any type

You can also automatically convert Model to any value you want using setTransformOnEntry. Call this function before onEntry.

    ->setTransformOnEntry(fn (ObjectType $type) => $this->transformer->transform($type))
    ->onEntry(function (Entity $entity) {

Do not forget to correctly type your model and result entity.

Get ids for each chunk

First argument is a Closure that will receive array of string|int. Second parameter is a chunk size (default 100).

    ->onKeys(function (array $ids) {

Ideal for making and update (query) in "batch" mode.

Chunked writing (insert)

Find or fail

Name your query Get{XX}Query.

Finds given model by given $key. You can pass scopes and you can create a custom exception (by default ModelNotFoundException is thrown).



namespace App\ObjectProvider\Queries;

use App\Models\ObjectProvider;
use App\ObjectProvider\Exceptions\ObjectProviderNotFoundException;
use LaraStrict\Database\Scopes\SelectScope;

class GetProviderForChannelManagerUpdateQuery extends AbstractObjectProviderQuery
    public function execute(int $providerId): ObjectProvider
        return $this->findOrFail(
            key: $providerId,
            scopes: [
                new SelectScope([$this->getKeyColumn(), 'name', ObjectProvider::ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL_MANAGER_ID]),
            customException: fn (int $id) => new ObjectProviderNotFoundException($id),

Get key column for query model

Query knows which model the query is using. This enables you to use this dynamic access of a key attribute name.

public function execute(int $providerId): ObjectProvider
    return $this->findOrFail(
        key: $providerId,
        scopes: [
            new SelectScope([$this->getKeyColumn()])
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